Jacobs Foundation, one of the world’s leading charities for children and young people, is the ultimate economic beneficiary.
Jacobs Foundation invests in young people's future, enabling them to become socially responsible and productive members of society. The Foundation believes all children must be given equal access to education and better opportunities for personal development. All young people should get the chance to achieve their true potential, regardless of background, residence or family income level. The Foundation is guided by research that shows that children have an enormous capacity to learn, especially when given favourable conditions and surroundings. This is why, as part of the 2030 Strategy, the Foundation has pledged to invest 500 million Swiss francs over the next ten years to support schools in offering quality education and to transform education systems around the world with the ultimate goal to provide children and youth with practical knowledge, skills, attitudes, tools and equitable opportunities to reach their full learning potential and thrive together.
Jacobs Foundation focuses on understanding and embracing variability in learning during the early years (ages 2-12) and early transitions. Their approach is designed to foster learning from evidence to action to systems across diverse contexts.