Selling your practice to Colosseum Dental Group provides an opportunity to develop your career. Whether it's continuing your employment or reducing the workload, your practice will continue to thrive within the Group.

CDG smile

Colosseum Dental Group is an expanding European network of dental practices, through the continued acquisition of existing dental practices in local markets. This implies recruiting ever more talent while investing in dental technology on behalf of our members, ensuring our values are aligned and enabling members to continue running their practices successfully within the framework of the Group.

At the core of our acquisition process is the sellers’ continued involvement in their practices, helping maintain optimum patient satisfaction.


We offer many advantages compared to local, independent clinics. Our business model opens the door to working under a flexible form of employment suited to your needs.

We provide dentists with needed assets for offering true qualitative care. As a member of Colosseum Dental Group, you are entitled to flexible employment options that permit you to focus on your field of expertise. Perhaps you want to share your workload pre retirement? Or become a consultant? Or even join us on a full-time basis? The Group offers support for administrative and staffing issues, enabling you to focus on your own professional ambitions. We are patient-oriented, this means patients benefit from your access to the Colosseum network of competencies in virtually all fields of dentistry.

If you own a practice, we offer these alternatives:

  • A new role within Colosseum Dental itself
  • Continue as a dentist or specialist
  • A pathway to retirement
  • Moving on

Contact us

Thinking about reducing your workload as a prelude to retirement? Or perhaps selling your practice to work directly with us?

Get in touch with our Group Merger & Acquisitions team or our national executives who deal with acquisitions:

General questions and other countries

Luca Fritz

Michel Portmann